
What Is Tire Pressure And Why Is It Important?

Tire pressure refers to the amount of air in your vehicle’s tires and is measured in pounds per square inch. Maintaining the correct tire pressure ensures you drive safe and comfortably. Not to mention, it lengthens the lifespan of your tires, saving you money between costly replacements.

On the upside, checking tire pressure and keeping them adequately inflated requires little effort.

How to Find the Right Tire Pressure

When you purchased your car, you might have noticed a placard on the driver’s side door jamb (behind the seat). This chart tells you the perfect inflation for each tire, not forgetting the spare, of course. These numbers represent the manufacturer’s guidelines for ideal tire pressure. If you don’t have or can’t find this placard, your owner’s manual will also have this information.

Note: These recommendations refer to the pressure when measured cold (first thing in the morning before tires have been used). As you drive, tire pressure naturally increases a few pounds per square inch (psi).

Why Tire Pressure Matters

Driving is one of the riskiest tasks you can do, so making sure all safety measures are in place gives you the best chance of avoiding inconvenient or dangerous incidents. If you drive on underinflated or overinflated tires, they become strained and more likely to the blowout. In addition, some safety and driver-assistance features won’t operate properly if tire pressure is off.

Finally, tires rotating without adequate pressure make the drive imbalanced and uncomfortable. Fuel economy and overall vehicle performance suffer with inadequate tire pressure, and excessive vibration and noise can also become an issue.

Maintaining Tire Pressure

Experts recommend checking your tire pressure at least once per month, and most gas stations have a gauge and air compressor for easy handling. Additionally, most modern vehicles have tire pressure monitoring systems that show each tire’s pressure or alert you when air is low. If the system’s warning light turns on, don’t ignore it. It could signal a tire is losing air and about to go flat.

You can also have a technician check your tire pressure with routine maintenance, like an oil change. When doing so, it helps to also have tires inspected for wear or damage.

Keeping tires in excellent condition is one of the simplest ways to maintain your vehicle. Paying attention to tire pressure and wear patterns can save you money in more ways than one, since imbalanced or improperly-inflated tires can strain other vehicle components and damage overall performance.

To have your tires inspected or serviced, call the experts at Heath’s Auto Service in Flagstaff and schedule an appointment today!


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