
The Following Problems Are Caused By a Leaking Exhaust Manifold

If you take care of your car, truck, or utility vehicle, you may never have a problem with the exhaust manifold. If you drive the automobile when the engine is overheating, you can crack the exhaust manifold. You can also crack the manifold gasket. If either of these things happens, you will end up with one or more of the following problems.

Reduced Performance

There will be a reduction in your engine’s performance because the engine will struggle to produce combustion. The reason why is that the combustion chamber is filling with the exhaust that is leaking out of the manifold crack. Unfortunately, the only way to restore the engine’s performance is to have the manifold or gasket replaced.

Reduced Fuel Efficiency

The reduced performance will also cause your engine to increase its consumption of fuel. Consequently, you will not get the fuel efficiency that you normally get out of your automobile. This can make things difficult if you can only afford to fill your tank a few times a month.

Hissing, Tapping, or Popping

You may also start to hear the exhaust manifold or gasket leak. When you fire up your engine, the exhaust will start to leak out of the crack and make a hissing, tapping, or popping sound. This sound may stop once the engine is warmed up because the manifold will expand and seal the leak.

Constant Overheating

Your engine may also start to overheat constantly if the exhaust manifold or gasket is leaking. This is because as the exhaust makes its way into the engine, it increases the temperature because it is already hot. This heats up the metal parts and melts auto parts that are made from susceptible materials such as plastic. You may smell strong burning odors as a result.

Strong Exhaust Odors

You may also smell strong exhaust odors in your automobile if the ventilation system is picking up the exhaust. Unfortunately, this can make you sick if you inhale the exhaust. The exhaust is extremely harmful because it contains carbon monoxide that has not been treated by the catalytic converter.

Illuminated CEL

Finally, you may end up with a check engine warning on the dashboard that will not go away. As you have learned, a crack in the manifold or gasket can create engine problems and fuel efficiency problems. This will prompt the engine control unit to turn on the check engine light.

Do not worry. We would be happy to help, so call us today to set up a service appointment.

Photo by stevechatterton from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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